Anger Management & Leadership Skills

Schedule for Phase 1 - Module 1

3rd June 2017 - 4th June 2017

Personality dictates success in one's career


Why there is a Need of Anger Management & Leadership Skills Workshop

Anger is a common emotion. For a youngster, the inability to control anger can result in devastating consequences that may affect the rest of his/her life.

Stress in student's life starts early. The main reason of this is: "Great Expectation and Premature Pressure by Parents and Peers" This stress turns: "play into competitive sports", "joy of learning into a struggle to excel" and" friends into social connections".

Time Management becomes very critical and important once a student gets into high school, since he/she is most likely to be juggling schoolwork, extracurricular activities, competitive exam preparation and college search. An Individual who is able to manage his time between extra curriculum activities and academics is most likely to be a winner in the years to come.

Leadership skills and being a leader can benefit a student not only in high school and college, but in their professional life. People with leadership roles in high school are more likely to hold managerial positions as adults, earning higher incomes than those in non-leadership roles.

Motivation invigorates student to acquire, transform and use knowledge. It is a form of stimulus required by students to activate, provide direction for, and encourage persistence in their study and learning efforts

Self Confidence is the foundation of all personal success. One can achieve anything when there is a self-belief. The feeling of confidence is a positive state of vibration where one's subconscious mind is directed towards the success of anything they desire.

Mentor for Emotional Intelligence and Positive Attitude