Vizvasta 2017 "SAARTHI" Award


"Saarthi" award will honor and recognize a Vizvasta 2017 Student Ambassador who demonstrates exceptional leadership qualities. The nominee can be any student ambassador of Vizvasta 2017.


All Vizvasta 2017 Student Ambassadors are eligible for this award.


A Student Ambassador nominated for this category will have demonstrated several of the following examples of exceptional leadership:

  • Motivates and inspires the people around them to accomplish more than they would have normally;
  • Inspires a high level commitment from others when taking on new initiatives
  • Creates a compelling vision for the future and helps others understand their role in achieving it;
  • Actively shares responsibility, authority, information and credit when working towards the achievement of a goal;
  • Gives team members all of the tools, authority and trust needed to achieve their tasks;
  • Takes prompt decisive action to resolve issues quickly and effectively;
  • Communicates in a manner which is fair, straightforward, honorable and open;
  • Sets a high standard of integrity by leading through example and maintains high personal standards.


  • The Adjudication Committee will determine the award recipient(s).
  • Human Resources will notify recipient of their selection.
  • Award will be presented at the annual awards event.
  • Total award value for this category is a Rs 10,000 and an engraved "Saarthi" award.